The Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Nice is the largest Russian church in Western Europe. It was founded in 1912 with the support of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II. - The French Riviera has, from the late 1800 years to this day, attracted many Russians who have settled in the area. The beautiful cathedral, which is owned by the Russian state, still carry out religious ceremonies for this population. - Although I lacked a real wide angle lens, I managed to shoot some decent photos with my 18-200 lens.
Always chasing light

mandag den 11. november 2013
Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Nice, France - Den russiske ortodokse kirke i Nice, Frankrig
Den russiske ortodokse katedral i Nice er den største russiske kirke i Vesteuropa. Den blev grundlagt i 1912 med støtte fra den russiske Zar Nikolaj II. - Den franske Riviera har, helt fra slutningen af 1800 tallet og op til i dag, tiltrukket mange russere, som har bosat sig i området. Den smukke katedral, som ejes af den russsiske stat, foretager stadig kirkelige handlinger for denne befolkningsgruppe. -Selv om jeg manglede et ordentligt vidvinkel objektiv, så lykkedes det mig at tage nogle hæderlige billeder med mit 18-200 objektiv.
The Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Nice is the largest Russian church in Western Europe. It was founded in 1912 with the support of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II. - The French Riviera has, from the late 1800 years to this day, attracted many Russians who have settled in the area. The beautiful cathedral, which is owned by the Russian state, still carry out religious ceremonies for this population. - Although I lacked a real wide angle lens, I managed to shoot some decent photos with my 18-200 lens.
The Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Nice is the largest Russian church in Western Europe. It was founded in 1912 with the support of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II. - The French Riviera has, from the late 1800 years to this day, attracted many Russians who have settled in the area. The beautiful cathedral, which is owned by the Russian state, still carry out religious ceremonies for this population. - Although I lacked a real wide angle lens, I managed to shoot some decent photos with my 18-200 lens.
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