On the square in Nice where the daily flower- and vegetable market is held, there is a small shop with hats, which has an outdoor stand. - On the shelves there is a sign saying, that photography is prohibited, but anyway I went into the store and said, that it was a shame, that I could not take pictures of their fine hats exhibition. The tall blond saleswoman smiled and said that, because I asked so politely, she allowed me to photograph, if she could be on one of the images.
Always chasing light

onsdag den 30. oktober 2013
Hats - Hatte
På pladsen I Nice hvor der hver dag bliver holdt blomster- og grøntmarked findes der en lille butik med hatte, som har en udendørs udstilling på nogle gamle reoler. - På reolerne er der et skilt, hvor der står fotografering forbudt, men jeg gik alligevel ind i butikken og sagde, at det var en skam, at jeg ikke måtte tage billeder af deres fine hatteudstilling. Den høje blonde ekspeditrice smilede og sagde, at når jeg henvendte mig så pænt, så måtte jeg godt fotografere, hvis hun kom med på et af billederne.
tirsdag den 29. oktober 2013
Narrow streets - Smalle gader
I fortsættelse af mit blog indlæg fra i går vil jeg vise nogle flere billeder fra "Eze Village", som er en skøn lille by med meget smalle stræder. - Eze ligger højt hævet over Middelhavet ca. 45 minutters kørsel med bus fra Nice.
Further to my blog post from yesterday, I will show you some more pictures from "Eze", which is a lovely little town with very narrow streets. - Eze is located high above the Mediterranean about 45 minutes by bus from Nice.
Further to my blog post from yesterday, I will show you some more pictures from "Eze", which is a lovely little town with very narrow streets. - Eze is located high above the Mediterranean about 45 minutes by bus from Nice.
mandag den 28. oktober 2013
A garden in the sky - En have på toppen
I sidste uge var vi en tur i Nice i det sydfranske. - Vi tog kameraet med til Eze Village, som er en gammel fin by, der ligger højt hævet på klipperne over Middelhavet. - På toppen af Eze er der ruiner af en gammel borg 249 meter over havets overflade, og omkring ruinerne er der anlagt en meget smuk eksotisk have med den smukkeste udsigt til det blå Middelhav. I fin harmoni med planterne er der placeret nogle smukke gudinder, som er udført af den franske skulptør Jean-Philippe Richard. - Desværre var vejret ikke så fotovenligt, som jeg kunne have ønsket mig, men det var jo bare en udfordring.
Last week we went to Nice in the south of France. - We took the camera to Eze Village, which is an old nice town situated on the cliffs high above the Mediterranean. - At the top of Eze there are ruins of an old castle 249 meters above sea level, and around the ruins is laid out a very beautiful exotic garden with a fantastic view to the blue Mediterranean. In perfect harmony with the plants live some beautiful goddesses carried out by the French sculptor Jean-Philippe Richard. - Unfortunately the weather was not so photo friendly, as I would have preferred, but it was just a challenge.
Last week we went to Nice in the south of France. - We took the camera to Eze Village, which is an old nice town situated on the cliffs high above the Mediterranean. - At the top of Eze there are ruins of an old castle 249 meters above sea level, and around the ruins is laid out a very beautiful exotic garden with a fantastic view to the blue Mediterranean. In perfect harmony with the plants live some beautiful goddesses carried out by the French sculptor Jean-Philippe Richard. - Unfortunately the weather was not so photo friendly, as I would have preferred, but it was just a challenge.
mandag den 14. oktober 2013
The view - Udsigten
På en smuk efterårsdag for to uger siden besøgte vi "Himmelbjerget", som er et af de højeste punkter i Danmark. (147 meter over havets overflade). - Som I kan se, var der en skøn udsigt over Julsø.
Two weeks ago, on a beautiful autumn day, we visited "Himmelbjerget", which is one of the highest points in Denmark. (147 m asl). - As you can see, there was a beautiful view over the lake "Julsø".
søndag den 13. oktober 2013
A walk in the woods - En tur i skoven
En time før solnedgang i går gik vi en tur i den nærliggende Bangsbo Skov, hvor jeg fik skudt en lille variation af billeder i det det smukke efterårsvejr.
Yesterday an hour before sunset we went for a walk in the nearby Bangsbo Forest, where I shot a slight variation of pictures in the beautiful autumn weather.
God søndag - Have a nice sunday. - Jørgen
Yesterday an hour before sunset we went for a walk in the nearby Bangsbo Forest, where I shot a slight variation of pictures in the beautiful autumn weather.
Den lave sol spejler sig i søen gennem efterårsløvet.
The low sun reflecting in the lake through the autumn foliage.
fredag den 11. oktober 2013
Yellow color tones - Gule farvetoner
De gule farvetoner er fælles for et par billeder, jeg tog langs landevejen i søndags.
The yellow tones are common to a couple of photos, I shot along the road on Sunday.
God weekend til alle. - Have a nice weekend.
The yellow tones are common to a couple of photos, I shot along the road on Sunday.
Den sidste solsikke for i år - The last sunflower this year
Græskar på bondemandens mark - Pumpkin on farmer's fields
God weekend til alle. - Have a nice weekend.
onsdag den 9. oktober 2013
Autumn colors where I live - Efterårsfarver hvor jeg bor
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