Sunday morning I met with a few photo-friends on the beach north of Rønnerhavnen in Frederikshavn. We had hoped for some scattered decorative clouds in the sky, that might have improved the colors both before and after sunrise, but we had to be satisfied with a cold and rather pale sky. - Despite the cold temperature and lack of clouds, I shot a couple of images, and I also got a nice chat with my photo-friends.
Always chasing light

mandag den 26. januar 2015
Cold morning - Kold morgen
Søndag morgen mødtes jeg med et par foto-kammerater på stranden nord for Rønnerhavnen i Frederikshavn. Vi havde håbet på nogle spredte dekorative skyer på himmelen, som kunne have pyntet på farverne både før og efter solopgangen, men vi måtte nøjes med en kold og lidt bleg himmel. - Trods kulden og manglende skyer fik jeg da produceret et par billeder, og jeg fik også en hyggelig snak med mine foto-venner.
Sunday morning I met with a few photo-friends on the beach north of Rønnerhavnen in Frederikshavn. We had hoped for some scattered decorative clouds in the sky, that might have improved the colors both before and after sunrise, but we had to be satisfied with a cold and rather pale sky. - Despite the cold temperature and lack of clouds, I shot a couple of images, and I also got a nice chat with my photo-friends.
Sunday morning I met with a few photo-friends on the beach north of Rønnerhavnen in Frederikshavn. We had hoped for some scattered decorative clouds in the sky, that might have improved the colors both before and after sunrise, but we had to be satisfied with a cold and rather pale sky. - Despite the cold temperature and lack of clouds, I shot a couple of images, and I also got a nice chat with my photo-friends.
Snowy forest - Snedækket skov
Lørdag formiddag sneede det en del her i Frederikshavn, men det afholdt mig ikke fra at gå en tur med kameraet i den nærliggende Bangsbo Skov.
Last saturday morning it was snowing here in Frederikshavn, but it did not keep me from taking a walk with the camera at the nearby Bangsbo Forest.
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