Yesterday morning I got up early to shoot some pictures of the sunrise at Rønner Beach in Frederikshavn.
Always chasing light

torsdag den 18. september 2014
Early Morning - Tidlig Morgen
I går morges stod jeg tidligt op for at skyde billeder af solopgangen på Rønner Stranden i Frederikshavn.
Yesterday morning I got up early to shoot some pictures of the sunrise at Rønner Beach in Frederikshavn.
Yesterday morning I got up early to shoot some pictures of the sunrise at Rønner Beach in Frederikshavn.
Coast landing site - Thorup Strand
I sidste uge var jeg på Thorup Strand ved Jammerbugten på Danmarks nord-vestkyst. Her finder man Nord Europa's største kyst landingsplads for fiskekuttere, som stadig hales op på stranden, når fiskerne kommer hjem med deres fangst.
Last week I was on Thorup Beach by Jammer Bay at the north-west coast of Denmark. Here you find the largest coastal landing place for fishing boats in Northern Europe, the boats are still hauled up on the beach by the fishermen when they return with their catch.
Last week I was on Thorup Beach by Jammer Bay at the north-west coast of Denmark. Here you find the largest coastal landing place for fishing boats in Northern Europe, the boats are still hauled up on the beach by the fishermen when they return with their catch.
torsdag den 4. september 2014
Gæs - Geese
Under vores tur til Samsø mødte vi denne gåseflok ved et gadekær. Gæssene blev fodret med brød, og de stillede velvilligt op til nærbilleder.
During our trip to the island Samsø we met this flock of geese at a pond. We fed the geese with bread, and they posed willingly for close-up photos.
During our trip to the island Samsø we met this flock of geese at a pond. We fed the geese with bread, and they posed willingly for close-up photos.
Vesborg Lighthouse, Samsø - Denmark
Lørdag eftermiddag i sidste weekend besøgte vi stranden ved Vesborg Fyr, som ligger på Samsø's sydvestspids. - Fyret er opført i 1858 og hører under Brattinborg Gods. - Du kan læse mere om området på dette link.
On Saturday afternoon last weekend, we visited the beach at Vesborg Lighthouse, located on the southwest tip of the island Samsø. - The lighthouse was built in 1858 and belongs to Brattinborg Gods. - You can read more about the area at this link.
On Saturday afternoon last weekend, we visited the beach at Vesborg Lighthouse, located on the southwest tip of the island Samsø. - The lighthouse was built in 1858 and belongs to Brattinborg Gods. - You can read more about the area at this link.
Gamle huse på Samsø - Old houses on the island Samsø
Under vores tur til Samsø i weekenden besøgte vi tidligt om morgenen den lille by Nordby. Desværre var himmelen totalt overskyet, men alligevel kan man godt på billederne få et indtryk af hvor idyllisk den lille landsby er.
During our trip to the island Samsø we visited early in the morning the small town of Nordby. Unfortunately, the sky was overcast, but still from the images you can get an idea how idyllic the little village is.
During our trip to the island Samsø we visited early in the morning the small town of Nordby. Unfortunately, the sky was overcast, but still from the images you can get an idea how idyllic the little village is.
Sunset and Sunrise - Solnedgang og Solopgang
Vi var sammen med gode fotovenner på en tur til Samsø i weekenden. Vejret var for det meste regnfuldt og overskyet, men ved solnedgang i fredags og ved solopgang lørdag morgen viste vejret sig fra sin pæne side.
Together with good photo friends we were on a trip to the island Samsø over the weekend. The weather was mostly rainy and cloudy, but at sunset on Friday and at sunrise Saturday morning the weather behaved nicely.
Together with good photo friends we were on a trip to the island Samsø over the weekend. The weather was mostly rainy and cloudy, but at sunset on Friday and at sunrise Saturday morning the weather behaved nicely.
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