A few days ago I read, that a vintage train would run some trips on a railway line in my neighborhood (from Hjørring to Kvissel and return), and I found out, that the train would be pulled by an old steam locomotive from 1916 - I show you here some of the photos I shot, and I hope you sense the special atmosphere of a bygone era, where everything went a little more slowly.
Always chasing light

lørdag den 23. august 2014
Vintage train - Veterantog
For nogle dage siden læste jeg, at et veterantog ville køre nogle ture på en strækning i mit nabolag (fra Hjørring til Kvissel og retur), og jeg fandt ud af, at toget ville blive trukket af et gammelt damplokomotiv fra 1916. - Her får I så nogle af de billeder jeg skød, og jeg håber I fornemmer den specielle stemning fra en svunden tid, hvor det hele gik lidt mere langsomt.
A few days ago I read, that a vintage train would run some trips on a railway line in my neighborhood (from Hjørring to Kvissel and return), and I found out, that the train would be pulled by an old steam locomotive from 1916 - I show you here some of the photos I shot, and I hope you sense the special atmosphere of a bygone era, where everything went a little more slowly.
A few days ago I read, that a vintage train would run some trips on a railway line in my neighborhood (from Hjørring to Kvissel and return), and I found out, that the train would be pulled by an old steam locomotive from 1916 - I show you here some of the photos I shot, and I hope you sense the special atmosphere of a bygone era, where everything went a little more slowly.
onsdag den 20. august 2014
Beach and Clouds - Strand og Skyer
Forleden dag var vi en aftentur på Sæby Strand. - Det blev til lidt stemningsbilleder med nogle fotogene skyer som baggrund og en lystfisker, der nød den lidt kolde men smukke august aften.
The other day we went for an evening walk on Sæby Beach. - I shot some photos with some photogenic clouds as background and an angler, who enjoyed the rather cold but beautiful August evening.
onsdag den 13. august 2014
After the harvest - Efter høsten
I går sidst på formiddagen passerede jeg det smukke Øksnebjerg område sydvest for Frederikshavn, hvor jeg lige skød nogle billeder af landskabet og harvningen på marken.
Yesterday late morning I passed the beautiful Øksnebjerg area southwest of Frederikshavn, where I shot some photos of the landscape and the harrowing of the field.
Yesterday late morning I passed the beautiful Øksnebjerg area southwest of Frederikshavn, where I shot some photos of the landscape and the harrowing of the field.
mandag den 11. august 2014
Old houses - Gamle huse
I sidste uge var vi en tur i Aabenraa, hvor jeg skød nogle billeder i det gamle kvarter.
Last week we were in Aabenraa (Southern Denmark), where I shot some photos in the old part of the city.
Last week we were in Aabenraa (Southern Denmark), where I shot some photos in the old part of the city.
En maler på arbejde
søndag den 10. august 2014
Blue hour - Blå time
I torsdags var jeg sammen med gode fotovenner en tur i Råbjerg Mile og ved stranden ved Kandestederne, hvor jeg blandt andet fik skudt et par langtidseksponeringer.
Last thursday I was in Råbjerg Mile and at Kandested beach together with some good photo friends. As you can see, I shot some long exposure images.
Last thursday I was in Råbjerg Mile and at Kandested beach together with some good photo friends. As you can see, I shot some long exposure images.
Rose fields - Rosenmarker
Samtidig med vores besøg på rosen festivalen i Bogense i sidste weekend skulle vi selvfølgelig også tage billeder af de imponerende rosen marker uden for byen.
During our visit to the rose festival in Bogense last weekend, we also shot some photos of the impressive rose fields outside the city.
During our visit to the rose festival in Bogense last weekend, we also shot some photos of the impressive rose fields outside the city.
fredag den 8. august 2014
Roses - Roser
Sidste weekend tog vi nogle billeder i Bogense, hvor byen afholdt sin årlige traditionsrige rosen festival.
Last weekend we shot some photos in Bogense, where the city held its annual traditional rose festival.
Last weekend we shot some photos in Bogense, where the city held its annual traditional rose festival.
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