On the way to our next accommodation in Schleswig we visited the area around the old Danish fort Dannevirke, located in a beautiful landscape. - Nowadays the fortifications consists of some stone walls and some archaeological excavations , and they were not so interesting to photograph, but that was the surrounding scenery and some beautiful horses.
Always chasing light

onsdag den 28. maj 2014
Jensen on Tour - Beautiful horses and nature - Schleswig-Holstein
På turen til vores næste overnatning i Schleswig besøgte vi området omkring det gamle danske fæstningsværk Dannevirke, som ligger i et smukt landskab. - Fæstningsværket består i dag af nogle ærkæologiske udgravninger og nogle stensætninger, som ikke var så interessante at fotografere, men det var den omkringliggende natur og nogle smukke heste.
On the way to our next accommodation in Schleswig we visited the area around the old Danish fort Dannevirke, located in a beautiful landscape. - Nowadays the fortifications consists of some stone walls and some archaeological excavations , and they were not so interesting to photograph, but that was the surrounding scenery and some beautiful horses.
On the way to our next accommodation in Schleswig we visited the area around the old Danish fort Dannevirke, located in a beautiful landscape. - Nowadays the fortifications consists of some stone walls and some archaeological excavations , and they were not so interesting to photograph, but that was the surrounding scenery and some beautiful horses.
tirsdag den 27. maj 2014
Jensen on Tour - Storks in Bergenhusen - Schleswig-Holstein
På vej fra Friedrichstadt til vores næste overnatningssted i Schleswig besøgte vi den lille landsby Bergenhusen, som også er kendt som storkelandsbyen. Her er der hvert år ca. 15 ynglende storkepar, som vi selvfølgelig gerne ville fotografere. - På trods af at vejret var meget blæsende, og at jeg kun havde et 200 mm objektiv på mit kamera, så lykkedes det at få skudt nogle billeder af de spændende fugle.
On our way from Friedrichstadt to our next accommodation in Schleswig we visited the small village Bergenhusen, which is known as the stork village. Each year you find approximately 15 nesting storks, which we of course wanted to photograph. - Although the weather was very windy, and that I only had a 200 mm lens on my camera, we managed to shoot some photos of the exciting birds.
On our way from Friedrichstadt to our next accommodation in Schleswig we visited the small village Bergenhusen, which is known as the stork village. Each year you find approximately 15 nesting storks, which we of course wanted to photograph. - Although the weather was very windy, and that I only had a 200 mm lens on my camera, we managed to shoot some photos of the exciting birds.
søndag den 25. maj 2014
Jensen on Tour - Friedrichstadt - Schleswig-Holstein
Vores første overnatningssted i Slesvig-Holsten var Friedrichstadt. Byen med sin retvinklede gadestruktur, kanaler og mange huse i nederlandsk renæssancestil minder om en typisk hollandsk by. Grunden er, at byen i 1600-tallet blev bygget af tilflyttede nederlandske religiøse flygtninge, som blev kaldt til Sydslesvig af gottorpske hertug Frederik den 3.
Vi fik selvfølgelig skudt nogle billeder sidst på eftermiddagen, før vi spiste en typisk mega stor schnitzel på restauranten "Altes Amtsgericht".
Our first accommodation in Schleswig-Holstein was Friedrichstadt. The city with its orthogonal street structure, channels and many houses in the Dutch Renaissance style looks like a typical Dutch city. The reason is that the city in the 1600s was built by newly arrived Dutch religious refugees who were called to Schleswig by Gottorp, Duke Frederik 3.
We shot some photos in the late afternoon before we had a typical mega big schnitzel at the restaurant "Altes Amtsgericht".
Vi fik selvfølgelig skudt nogle billeder sidst på eftermiddagen, før vi spiste en typisk mega stor schnitzel på restauranten "Altes Amtsgericht".
Our first accommodation in Schleswig-Holstein was Friedrichstadt. The city with its orthogonal street structure, channels and many houses in the Dutch Renaissance style looks like a typical Dutch city. The reason is that the city in the 1600s was built by newly arrived Dutch religious refugees who were called to Schleswig by Gottorp, Duke Frederik 3.
We shot some photos in the late afternoon before we had a typical mega big schnitzel at the restaurant "Altes Amtsgericht".
lørdag den 24. maj 2014
Jensen on Tour - Sheep and Lambs - Schleswig-Holstein
På digerne ved Husum gik der store fåreflokke og græssede. Mange af fårene havde lam, og de blev vores fotomodeller denne eftermiddag, inden turen gik til vores næste overnatningssted i Friedrichstadt.
On the dikes at Husum large flocks of sheep were grazing. Many of the sheep had lambs, and they became our photo models this afternoon, before heading to our next accommodation in Friedrichstadt.
On the dikes at Husum large flocks of sheep were grazing. Many of the sheep had lambs, and they became our photo models this afternoon, before heading to our next accommodation in Friedrichstadt.
Jensen on tour - Husum - Schleswig-Holstein
Første stop på vores tur i det nordlige Tyskland var den hyggelige havneby Husum ved den frisiske nordsøkyst. Specielt ved havnen og på det smukke torv fik vi taget nogle billeder. - Du kan læse mere om Husum på Wikipedia: http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Husum_(Slesvig)
First stop on our tour in northern Germany was in the cozy harbor town of Husum at the Frisian North Sea coast. Especially in the harbor and on the beautiful main square we shot some photos. - You can read more about Husum on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Husum
First stop on our tour in northern Germany was in the cozy harbor town of Husum at the Frisian North Sea coast. Especially in the harbor and on the beautiful main square we shot some photos. - You can read more about Husum on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Husum
fredag den 9. maj 2014
Strandby fishing port - Strandby fiskerihavn
Vores fotogruppe havde et træf på Strandby havn i går aftes. I starten var det regnvejr og overskyet, men efterhånden blev fotovejret bedre med solstrejf og havblik. Det endte med at blive en smuk aften ved solnedgang.
Last night our photo group was gathered at the fishing port in Strandby. At first it was rainy and cloudy, but gradually the weather improved with a few sunbeams and a calm sea. It ended up being a beautiful evening at sunset.
Last night our photo group was gathered at the fishing port in Strandby. At first it was rainy and cloudy, but gradually the weather improved with a few sunbeams and a calm sea. It ended up being a beautiful evening at sunset.
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