Sunday evening, we said goodnight to the sun in Skagen, Denmark's northernmost town.
Always chasing light

tirsdag den 29. april 2014
Goodnight Sun - Godnat Sol
I søndags sagde vi godnat til solen i Danmarks nordligste by Skagen.
Sunday evening, we said goodnight to the sun in Skagen, Denmark's northernmost town.
Sunday evening, we said goodnight to the sun in Skagen, Denmark's northernmost town.
mandag den 28. april 2014
Early morning - Tidlig morgen
Forleden dag var jeg tidligt oppe om morgenen for at tage billeder af solopgangen på stranden ved Rønnerhavnen i Frederikshavn. - Det var meget lavvandet, så jeg fik også taget billeder af et stenrev, som ved højvande ligger under havoverfladen. - Jeg synes stenene er ret dekorative.
The other day I was up early in the morning to take photos of the sunrise on the beach at Rønnerhavnen in Frederikshavn. - It was very shallow, so I also shot some pictures of a reef, which at high tide is below sea level. - I think the stones are quite decorative.
The other day I was up early in the morning to take photos of the sunrise on the beach at Rønnerhavnen in Frederikshavn. - It was very shallow, so I also shot some pictures of a reef, which at high tide is below sea level. - I think the stones are quite decorative.
søndag den 13. april 2014
Spring - Forår
onsdag den 9. april 2014
Deer in the woods - Rådyr i skoven
På min eftermiddagstur i Bangsbo Skoven i forgårs mødte jeg et par rådyr, som var kommet lidt væk fra flokken, der græssede på engen lidt længere væk:
On my afternoon walk the day before yesterday in the woods of Bangsbo, I met a few deer that had come slightly away from the pack, which grazed in the meadow a little further away:
On my afternoon walk the day before yesterday in the woods of Bangsbo, I met a few deer that had come slightly away from the pack, which grazed in the meadow a little further away:
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