Late in the afternoon yesterday, we drove to the west coast near Hirtshals to take pictures on the beach in the golden hour before sunset.
Always chasing light

mandag den 24. marts 2014
At the coast - Ved kysten
Sidst på eftermiddagen i går kørte vi til vestkysten ved Hirtshals for at tage billeder på stranden i den gyldne time før solnedgang.
Late in the afternoon yesterday, we drove to the west coast near Hirtshals to take pictures on the beach in the golden hour before sunset.
Late in the afternoon yesterday, we drove to the west coast near Hirtshals to take pictures on the beach in the golden hour before sunset.
mandag den 17. marts 2014
In the countryside - På landet
Søndag eftermiddag blev brugt på en lille køretur med kameraet i det nære opland. - Vejret var ret gråt, men man finder alligevel motiver selv om fotovejret ikke er perfekt. - Vi stoppede bilen, da vi på en mark så noget skotsk højlandskvæg med en lille kalv, den måtte vi selvfølgelig fotografere. - Senere tog jeg nogle billeder ved et smukt åløb lige vest for Sæbygaard. På disse billeder har jeg leget lidt med nogle filtre og vignettering.
Sunday afternoon was spent on a little drive with the camera in the countryside. - The weather was pretty gray, but one always finds interesting objects to shoot, even if the weather is not perfect for photography. - We stopped the car near a farm, where we observed some Scottish Highland cattle with a small calf. An obvious photo object. - Later I shot some pictures at a beautiful creek just west of Sæbygaard. In the post processing of these images, I have experimented with some filters and vignetting.
Sunday afternoon was spent on a little drive with the camera in the countryside. - The weather was pretty gray, but one always finds interesting objects to shoot, even if the weather is not perfect for photography. - We stopped the car near a farm, where we observed some Scottish Highland cattle with a small calf. An obvious photo object. - Later I shot some pictures at a beautiful creek just west of Sæbygaard. In the post processing of these images, I have experimented with some filters and vignetting.
søndag den 2. marts 2014
Moist walk in the woods - Fugtig tur i skoven
Sammen med gode fotovenner gik jeg en tur i den nærliggende Bangsbo skov i går eftermiddags. - Til trods for at vejret var diset, gråt og fugtigt, fik jeg alligevel nogle billeder på mit kort.
Together with a few good photo friends I went for a walk in the nearby forest "Bangsbo" yesterday afternoon. - Despite the weather was misty, gray and humid, I still got some pictures on my card.
Together with a few good photo friends I went for a walk in the nearby forest "Bangsbo" yesterday afternoon. - Despite the weather was misty, gray and humid, I still got some pictures on my card.
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