I was in the port of Frederikshavn in the late afternoon yesterday, and I shot some pictures of a big current welding work. - I do not know the project and I have no idea what the big pipes or tanks shall be used for.
Always chasing light

tirsdag den 25. februar 2014
Welding Work - Svejsearbejde
Da jeg var på havnen i Frederikshavn sidst på eftermiddagen i går, tog jeg billeder af et igangværende svejsearbejde. - Jeg kender ikke projektet, og jeg aner ikke, hvad de store rør eller tanke skal bruges til.
I was in the port of Frederikshavn in the late afternoon yesterday, and I shot some pictures of a big current welding work. - I do not know the project and I have no idea what the big pipes or tanks shall be used for.
I was in the port of Frederikshavn in the late afternoon yesterday, and I shot some pictures of a big current welding work. - I do not know the project and I have no idea what the big pipes or tanks shall be used for.
mandag den 3. februar 2014
Cold pictures - Kolde billeder
I Januar har vi næsten ikke set solen her i Vendsyssel, så vi ville udnytte den begrænsede sol, der var på himmelen i går, til at skyde nogle billeder ved østkysten. - Desværre forsvandt solen hurtigt bag nogle højtliggende skyer, men vi fik alligevel skudt nogle billeder ved havnen i Asaa og ved Limfjorden i Hals.
Jeg håber, at vi snart får mere sol og bedre lys til landskabsfoto.
We have hardly seen the sun here in Northern Denmark in January, so yesterday we took advantage of the few sunbeams on the sky to shoot some pictures at the east coast. - Unfortunately, the sun quickly disappeared behind some high clouds, but we still succeeded to shoot some pictures at the port of Asaa and by the fiord at Hals.
I hope, that we soon will get more sun and better light for landscape photography.
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