There was a little bit of sunshine yesterday, so I decided to drive to Aalbaek to shoot some pictures at the harbor and the beach, but before I reached Aalbaek, the sun disappeared, and there was a very strong wind from east, and with a temperature of minus 2 degrees it felt bitterly cold, so I only shot a few images before I returned to the car.
Always chasing light

tirsdag den 21. januar 2014
Wind and frost - Blæst og frost
Solen tittede en lille smule frem i går, så derfor besluttede jeg at køre til Aalbæk for at tage nogle billeder ved havnen og stranden, men inden jeg nåede Aalbæk, var solen forsvundet, og det blæste en stærk østenvind, og med en temperatur på minus 2 grader føltes det bidende koldt, så det blev kun til nogle få skud med kameraet, før jeg vendte tilbage til bilen.
There was a little bit of sunshine yesterday, so I decided to drive to Aalbaek to shoot some pictures at the harbor and the beach, but before I reached Aalbaek, the sun disappeared, and there was a very strong wind from east, and with a temperature of minus 2 degrees it felt bitterly cold, so I only shot a few images before I returned to the car.
There was a little bit of sunshine yesterday, so I decided to drive to Aalbaek to shoot some pictures at the harbor and the beach, but before I reached Aalbaek, the sun disappeared, and there was a very strong wind from east, and with a temperature of minus 2 degrees it felt bitterly cold, so I only shot a few images before I returned to the car.
søndag den 19. januar 2014
A cold afternoon - En kold eftermiddag
Der er pludselig kommet meget sne i Vendsyssel, og selv om lyset ikke var det bedste, så lagde vi fototasken i bilen og kørte nogle kilometer ud af Vrangbækvej ved Frederikshavn, hvor vi prøvede at fange lidt vinterstemning denne søndag eftermiddag.
Suddenly we got a lot of snow in Northern Jutland, and even though the light was not the best, we put the photo bag in the car and drove a few kilometers out of Frederikshavn, where we tried to catch a little winter mood this Sunday afternoon.
Suddenly we got a lot of snow in Northern Jutland, and even though the light was not the best, we put the photo bag in the car and drove a few kilometers out of Frederikshavn, where we tried to catch a little winter mood this Sunday afternoon.
lørdag den 11. januar 2014
Late afternoon at the coast - Sen eftermiddag ved kysten
Sidst på eftermiddagen i går tog jeg nogle billeder ved Rønnerhavnen i Frederikshavn. - Blandt andet legede jeg lidt med mit variable ND filter for at opnå nogle lange eksponeringstider.
Late in the afternoon yesterday, I shot some photos at Rønnerhavnen in Frederikshavn. - Among other things, I played a little with my variable ND filter to achieve some long exposures.
Late in the afternoon yesterday, I shot some photos at Rønnerhavnen in Frederikshavn. - Among other things, I played a little with my variable ND filter to achieve some long exposures.
onsdag den 8. januar 2014
Place Garibaldi
Som I kan se fra tidligere blogindlæg, så var vi en tur i Nice i Sydfrankrig i oktober, hvor vi boede i nærheden af Place Garibaldi. Pladsen er opkaldt efter Giuseppe Garabaldi, som blev født I Nice i 1807. På det tidspunkt var Nice en del af Frankrig, men byen har også både før og senere været en del af de italienske hertugdømmer. Siden 1860 har byen dog været en del af den franske stat. - Giuseppe Garabaldi blev italiensk general og politiker, og han var en af grundlæggerne af den moderne italienske stat.
Place Garibaldi er omkranset af smukke barok bygninger fra det 18. århundrede, og i bygningernes arkader er der butikker, restauranter og caféer. Specielt om aftenen er der meget liv på pladsen i de udendørs restauranter, hvor både de lokale og turisterne nyder det gode middelhavskøkken.
As you can see from previous blog posts, we visited Nice in southern France in October, where our hotel was situated near Place Garibaldi. The square is named after Giuseppe Garabaldi, who was born in Nice in 1807. At that time, Nice was a part of France, but the city has also both before and later been a part of the Italian duchies. Since 1860 the city has, however, been part of the French State. - Giuseppe Garabaldi was Italian general and politician, and he was one of the founders of the modern Italian state.
Place Garibaldi is surrounded by beautiful Baroque buildings from the 18th century, and in the arcades there are shops, restaurants and cafes. Especially in the evening, it is lively on the square in the outdoor restaurants where both locals and tourists are enjoying the good Mediterranean cuisine.
Place Garibaldi er omkranset af smukke barok bygninger fra det 18. århundrede, og i bygningernes arkader er der butikker, restauranter og caféer. Specielt om aftenen er der meget liv på pladsen i de udendørs restauranter, hvor både de lokale og turisterne nyder det gode middelhavskøkken.
As you can see from previous blog posts, we visited Nice in southern France in October, where our hotel was situated near Place Garibaldi. The square is named after Giuseppe Garabaldi, who was born in Nice in 1807. At that time, Nice was a part of France, but the city has also both before and later been a part of the Italian duchies. Since 1860 the city has, however, been part of the French State. - Giuseppe Garabaldi was Italian general and politician, and he was one of the founders of the modern Italian state.
Place Garibaldi is surrounded by beautiful Baroque buildings from the 18th century, and in the arcades there are shops, restaurants and cafes. Especially in the evening, it is lively on the square in the outdoor restaurants where both locals and tourists are enjoying the good Mediterranean cuisine.
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