Always chasing light

Always chasing light

onsdag den 18. december 2013

A walk on the beach - En tur på stranden

I går sidst på eftermiddagen gik vi en tur på stranden nord for Strandby. - Der var meget lav sol, som farvede skyerne med et gyldent lys.

Yesterday in the late afternoon we went for a walk on the beach north of Strandby. - The sun was low in the sky, and the clouds were colored with a golden light.

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tirsdag den 10. december 2013

Girls and Horses

Forrige søndag skød jeg nogle billeder i "Vandværksskoven" i Frederikshavn af to søde piger og deres flotte heste.

The other Sunday I shot some photos of two cute girls and their beautiful horses in the nearby forest "Vandværksskoven" in Frederikshavn.

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