On Thursday night I was at the beach just north of Rønnerhavnen in Frederikshavn. Although it is an east-facing coast, the sky got tones of golden and red colors at sunset. This resulted in beautiful reflections in the shallow water. - After sunset I experienced some unique blue tones in the sky and the sea.
Always chasing light

mandag den 30. september 2013
Solnedgang og Blå time - Sunset and Blue hour
Torsdag aften var jeg ved stranden lige nord for Rønnerhavnen i Frederikshavn. Selv om det er en østvendt kyst, så fik himmelen toner af gyldne og rødlige farver ved solnedgang. Det resulterede i smukke spejlinger i det lave vand. - Efter solnedgangen oplevede jeg nogle unikke blå toner i både himmel og hav.
On Thursday night I was at the beach just north of Rønnerhavnen in Frederikshavn. Although it is an east-facing coast, the sky got tones of golden and red colors at sunset. This resulted in beautiful reflections in the shallow water. - After sunset I experienced some unique blue tones in the sky and the sea.
On Thursday night I was at the beach just north of Rønnerhavnen in Frederikshavn. Although it is an east-facing coast, the sky got tones of golden and red colors at sunset. This resulted in beautiful reflections in the shallow water. - After sunset I experienced some unique blue tones in the sky and the sea.
søndag den 29. september 2013
Lavvande - Shallow Water
Hele torsdagen i sidste uge havde jeg lagt mærke til de flotte skyer på himmelen, og sidst på eftermiddagen kørte jeg til stranden lige nord for Rønnerhavnen i Frederikshavn. Det viste sig at være et godt valg, for det var meget lavvandet, og der var gode spejlinger af skyerne i det lave vand. Desuden var der flere fritidsfiskere, som gravede orm til deres fiskekroge, det gav lidt forskellige fotomuligheder.
Thursday last week, I had noticed the beautiful clouds in the sky, and in the late afternoon, I drove to the beach just north of Rønnerhavnen in Frederikshavn. It turned out to be a good choice, because it was very shallow, and there were good reflections of the clouds in the shallow water. In addition, there were several anglers who dug worms for their fishing hooks, it gave me different photo opportunities.
Thursday last week, I had noticed the beautiful clouds in the sky, and in the late afternoon, I drove to the beach just north of Rønnerhavnen in Frederikshavn. It turned out to be a good choice, because it was very shallow, and there were good reflections of the clouds in the shallow water. In addition, there were several anglers who dug worms for their fishing hooks, it gave me different photo opportunities.
lørdag den 28. september 2013
A walk in "Bangsbo" forest and park
Efter jeg havde taget billeder af solnedgangen ved "Neppens Havn" (se sidste blog-post), gik jeg en tur i Bangsbo skoven og parken for at se, om der var kommet efterårsfarver på træernes blade. Det var der ikke i særlig høj grad, men så kom der lidt andre billeder på kortet.
After I had taken pictures of the sunset at "Neppens Havn" (see last blog post), I went for a walk in Bangsbo forest and park to see, if the leaves on the trees have got autum colors. It was not to any great extent, but then I shot some other subjects.
Ha' en god weekend. - Have a nice weekend.
After I had taken pictures of the sunset at "Neppens Havn" (see last blog post), I went for a walk in Bangsbo forest and park to see, if the leaves on the trees have got autum colors. It was not to any great extent, but then I shot some other subjects.
Ha' en god weekend. - Have a nice weekend.
fredag den 27. september 2013
Sunrise this morning at 07:13
I morges kørte jeg til den lille jollehavn "Neppens Havn", som ligger i mit nabolag i Bangsbostrand i det sydlige Frederikshavn. - Jeg ankom i god tid før solopgang, og mit første billede viser spejlingen af skyerne i den lille havn.
This morning I drove to the small harbor "Neppens Havn", located in my neighborhood in Bangsbostrand, Frederikshavn. - I arrived well before sunrise, and my first image shows the reflections of the clouds in the small harbor.
Lige før solopgang fik jeg dette billede af Stena-Lines Gøteborg færge, som var på vej til at anløbe Frederikshavn Havn under et dekorativt rødligt skydække.
Just before sunrise, I captured this image of Stena Lines Gothenburg ferry, arriving at the Port of Frederikshavn under a decorative reddish cloud cover.
Jeg rykkede mit kamera og stativ hen til en lille badebro på ydersiden af molen, og her tog jeg dette billede af den brændende himmel.
I moved my camera and tripod to a small jetty on the outside of the pier, and here I shot this image of the burning sky.
Endelig passede det solen at stå op, og den tittede op over horisonten præcis kl. 07:13.
Finally the sun rose and turned over the horizon at exactly. 07:13.
This morning I drove to the small harbor "Neppens Havn", located in my neighborhood in Bangsbostrand, Frederikshavn. - I arrived well before sunrise, and my first image shows the reflections of the clouds in the small harbor.
Just before sunrise, I captured this image of Stena Lines Gothenburg ferry, arriving at the Port of Frederikshavn under a decorative reddish cloud cover.
I moved my camera and tripod to a small jetty on the outside of the pier, and here I shot this image of the burning sky.
Finally the sun rose and turned over the horizon at exactly. 07:13.
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HDR edition (3 images) |
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After sunrise |
søndag den 22. september 2013
Old town
I fredags tog jeg sammen med min kone og en af mine søstre på en shoppingtur til Aalborg, som ligger 65 km. fra vores hjemby Frederikshavn. - Inden vi spiste frokost fik jeg mulighed for at gå lidt rundt i Aalborgs ældste kvarter med mit kamera, mens damerne udforskede tøjbutikkerne.
Det gamle kvarter "Hjelmerstald" var oprindeligt et område med hestestalde og beboelse. Her boede byens fattigste arbejdere i usunde små huse, som også i en periode har været brugt til indkvartering af soldater. - De ældste af husene er bygget i 1700 årene.
I de sidste 20-30 år er husene blevet moderniseret og bragt op til en standard, som har gjort det ret eftertragtet at bo i de gamle hyggelige huse i de smalle gyder.
Last Friday I went with my wife and one of my sisters on a shopping trip to Aalborg, which is 65 km. from our home town Frederikshavn. - Before the lunch break, I had the opportunity to walk around in Aalborg's oldest neigborhood with my camera, while the ladies explored clothing boutiques.
The old neighborhood "Hjelmerstald" was originally an area of stables and living quarters. The city's poorest workers lived here in unhealthy small houses, which also in a period have been used for accommodation of soldiers. - The oldest of the houses are built in the years 1700.
In the last 20-30 years the houses have been modernized and brought up to a standard, that has made it quite popular to live here in the picturesque houses in the narrow alleys.
Ha' en god uge - Have a nice week.
Det gamle kvarter "Hjelmerstald" var oprindeligt et område med hestestalde og beboelse. Her boede byens fattigste arbejdere i usunde små huse, som også i en periode har været brugt til indkvartering af soldater. - De ældste af husene er bygget i 1700 årene.
I de sidste 20-30 år er husene blevet moderniseret og bragt op til en standard, som har gjort det ret eftertragtet at bo i de gamle hyggelige huse i de smalle gyder.
Last Friday I went with my wife and one of my sisters on a shopping trip to Aalborg, which is 65 km. from our home town Frederikshavn. - Before the lunch break, I had the opportunity to walk around in Aalborg's oldest neigborhood with my camera, while the ladies explored clothing boutiques.
The old neighborhood "Hjelmerstald" was originally an area of stables and living quarters. The city's poorest workers lived here in unhealthy small houses, which also in a period have been used for accommodation of soldiers. - The oldest of the houses are built in the years 1700.
In the last 20-30 years the houses have been modernized and brought up to a standard, that has made it quite popular to live here in the picturesque houses in the narrow alleys.
fredag den 13. september 2013
Jeg tog i går aftes turen fra Frederikshavn til Hirtshals sammen med gode fotovenner. Vi håbede på en smuk solnedgang og et godt lys i den blå time lige efter solnedgang. Vores ønske blev opfyldt, det blev en smuk aften.
For at opnå effekten med "blødt" vand brugte jeg et variabelt ND filter, så jeg kunne lave eksponeringer med lange lukkertider. Nogle af mine billeder er HDR.
Udover det fotomæssige blev der også tid til hyggelig snak og en tår kaffe fra termokanden.
Yesterday evening I took the trip from Frederikshavn to Hirtshals together with good photo friends. We hoped for a nice sunset and a beautiful light in the blue hour just after sunset. Our wish was fulfilled, it was a beautiful evening.
To achieve the effect of "soft" water, I used a variable ND filter, so I could make exposures with long shutter speeds. Some of my photos are HDR.
Besides the shooting of the sunset there was also time for cozy chat and a sip of coffee from the thermos.
For at opnå effekten med "blødt" vand brugte jeg et variabelt ND filter, så jeg kunne lave eksponeringer med lange lukkertider. Nogle af mine billeder er HDR.
Udover det fotomæssige blev der også tid til hyggelig snak og en tår kaffe fra termokanden.
Yesterday evening I took the trip from Frederikshavn to Hirtshals together with good photo friends. We hoped for a nice sunset and a beautiful light in the blue hour just after sunset. Our wish was fulfilled, it was a beautiful evening.
To achieve the effect of "soft" water, I used a variable ND filter, so I could make exposures with long shutter speeds. Some of my photos are HDR.
Besides the shooting of the sunset there was also time for cozy chat and a sip of coffee from the thermos.
tirsdag den 10. september 2013
Black and white forest
I går eftermiddags gik vi en tur i Bangsbo-skoven, som ligger 5 minutter fra hvor vi bor. - Himmelen var overskyet, og lyset var ikke særlig fotovenligt, så da vi kom hjem, besluttede jeg mig til at lege lidt med billederne i sort/hvid.
Konverteringen til sort/hvid blev lavet i DxO FilmPack 3, hvor jeg har imiteret en gammeldags Kodak T-Max 400 film.
Yesterday afternoon we went for a walk in Bangsbo Forest, located 5 minutes from where we live. The sky was overcast, and the light was not very photo friendly, so when we got home, I decided to experiment a little with the images in a black/white edition. The conversion to monochrome was made in DxO Film Pack 3, where I imitated an analog Kodak T-Max 400 film.
Både rådyr og dådyr kom også inden for objektivets rækkevidde.
Both deer and fallow deer also came within the lens range.
Yesterday afternoon we went for a walk in Bangsbo Forest, located 5 minutes from where we live. The sky was overcast, and the light was not very photo friendly, so when we got home, I decided to experiment a little with the images in a black/white edition. The conversion to monochrome was made in DxO Film Pack 3, where I imitated an analog Kodak T-Max 400 film.
Both deer and fallow deer also came within the lens range.
fredag den 6. september 2013
Boulder Coast
A week ago I went an early evening to the nearby coastline of Bangsbostrand, Frederikshavn to test a variable ND filter. - The result of the testing process was not to my satisfaction, but luckily I shot some bracketed images without ND filter for later HDR processing.
You can find a large number of my images on my website www.jensen-photo.dk
Have a nice weekend !!
You can find a large number of my images on my website www.jensen-photo.dk
Have a nice weekend !!
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