Yesterday in the late afternoon we went for a walk on the beach north of Strandby. - The sun was low in the sky, and the clouds were colored with a golden light.
Always chasing light

onsdag den 18. december 2013
A walk on the beach - En tur på stranden
I går sidst på eftermiddagen gik vi en tur på stranden nord for Strandby. - Der var meget lav sol, som farvede skyerne med et gyldent lys.
Yesterday in the late afternoon we went for a walk on the beach north of Strandby. - The sun was low in the sky, and the clouds were colored with a golden light.
Yesterday in the late afternoon we went for a walk on the beach north of Strandby. - The sun was low in the sky, and the clouds were colored with a golden light.
tirsdag den 10. december 2013
Girls and Horses
fredag den 29. november 2013
St. Paul de Vence
Under vores ferie i Nice i oktober besøgte vi forskellige byer i det smukke bagland, blandt andet tog vi kameraet med til St. Paul de Vence, som ligger ca. 1½ times buskørsel fra Nice. - Her får I lidt indtryk fra kameraet.
During our holiday in Nice in October, we visited various small towns in this beautiful region including St. Paul de Vence, approx. 1 ½ hour bus ride from Nice. - Here are some impressions from the camera.
During our holiday in Nice in October, we visited various small towns in this beautiful region including St. Paul de Vence, approx. 1 ½ hour bus ride from Nice. - Here are some impressions from the camera.
søndag den 24. november 2013
Great danish dune - Råbjerg Mile
Fredag formiddag besøgte jeg den store vandreklit Råbjerg Mile syd for Skagen. Det var hundekoldt, og jeg var helt alene i det store område, som nogle steder var dækket af rimfrost. - Det var en dejlig oplevelse, som jeg gerne vil dele med jer.
Last Friday morning, I visited the great dune Råbjerg Mile south of Skagen. It was freezing cold, and I was alone in the vast area, which in some places was covered with frost. - It was a wonderful experience that I would like to share with you.
fredag den 22. november 2013
A new day - En ny dag
Jeg havde planlagt at tage billeder af solopgangen i dag her på østkysten lige nord for Frederikshavn, men i modsætning til vejrudsigten, så var der helt overskyet kl. 7.00. - Jeg startede bilen og kørte længere nord på, hvor det viste sig, at der begyndte at komme huller i skydækket mod vest, så jeg bestemte mig for at tage billeder på vestkysten ved Kandestederne syd for Skagen. - På hjemvejen
tog jeg billeder i den store sandørken i Råbjerg Mile, men de billeder får I først om et par dage.
My plan for today was to capture the sunrise on the east coast just north of the city, but contrary to the weather forecast , there was quite cloudy at 7.00 a.m.. - I started the car and drove further north, where I observed holes in the cloud cover to the west, so I decided to take pictures on the west coast at Kandestederne south of Skagen. - On my way home I took pictures in the great sandy desert of Raabjerg Mile, these images will be uploaded in another blogpost in some days.
My plan for today was to capture the sunrise on the east coast just north of the city, but contrary to the weather forecast , there was quite cloudy at 7.00 a.m.. - I started the car and drove further north, where I observed holes in the cloud cover to the west, so I decided to take pictures on the west coast at Kandestederne south of Skagen. - On my way home I took pictures in the great sandy desert of Raabjerg Mile, these images will be uploaded in another blogpost in some days.
mandag den 18. november 2013
A rainy day - En regnvejrsdag
Under vores ferie i Nice i oktober havde vi en enkelt regnvejrsdag, men det afholdt selvfølgelig ikke fotografen fra at tage nogle billeder af personer, som passerede forbi den fortovsrestaurant, hvor vi indtog vores frokost.
During our holiday in Nice in October we had one rainy day, but it did not prevent the photographer from taking some pictures of the people who passed the terrace restaurant, where we had our lunch.
During our holiday in Nice in October we had one rainy day, but it did not prevent the photographer from taking some pictures of the people who passed the terrace restaurant, where we had our lunch.
Umbrella salesman
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